Top podcasts for business leaders

Top podcasts for business leaders

top podcasts for business leaders Are you a business leader looking for ways to stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends and best practices? If you’re short on time, then podcasts could be for you.  They offer access to a vast range of insight and experience...
Trends in Biotech

Trends in Biotech

trends in biotech The biotech industry has seen major changes in recent years. Here are five key trends that have sparked excitement and innovation within the sector: 1. AI-driven drug discovery is enabling researchers to identify potential treatments for complex...
Batteries not included

Batteries not included

Tech circles have been buzzing this last week as journalists have flocked to test out the ChatGPT platform, which uses AI to answer any question you can put to it. Its answers may be a little thin, but it’s clear that its ability to put together compelling copy...
No way back

No way back

NO way back Our lead pharma and biotech writer asks: Where next for pharma, biotech and life sciences communications professionals? The pharmaceutical, BioTech and life sciences industries have achieved breathtaking success over the last two years, most notably by...